Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Final Design :)

Finished my top and illustration board! Delighted with the pair of them :)

 so I did have more stuff in my space during assesment, only remembered to take photo's when everything was half packed away...oopsies.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

This is SPARTA!!!!

So I've settled on my theme for the rest of my project. I'm going with the tribal theme and focusing on warriors - Spartans to be precise :) I've been looking into Spartan history and researching "300" - comic and film. Here are some of the images I've been looking at.
 Historical monuments in Thermopylae - where the infamous battle against the Persians took place.
 King Leonidas 1- led his 300 men in battle

 Monument to the 300 Spartan - Spartan shield and helmet.
 Now onto popular culture - focusing on Comic and film!!!!
Unfortunately I've never read Fank Miller's "300" bar what I've been able to find online, but I think the illustrations are just amazing! I love graphic illustrations, particularly Miller's style (he also illustrated Sin City - another of my favs!).
 One of the many covers for the comic (above) and a few pages form the comic itself (below).

I really love seen the comparision between film and comic and I have to say, fair props to the costume and set designers on the film, they did a pretty good job!

 Ah, what a great excuse to look at Gerard Butler!

 The Persian Emporor Xerxes - Sparta's enemy.
I got great ideas from this image, the excessive gold jewellery and shapes from the statue things on his throne were brilliant!